What to see at Risley Moss April 2016


April 2016 News

By the end of the month, the birds will be in full song in the woodland. On a good day you can hear over 15 species; unfortunately the emergence of leaves on the trees makes it difficult to see them! The most common birds heard singing are Robins and Wrens. However, one of the loudest singers is the summer visitor Blackcap, whose explosive song is a bit like a rusty wheel turning. Although there are usually about 7 pairs on site, they sing from cover and can be very difficult to see. Particularly in the late afternoon, you can hear the mellow song of the Blackbird, which usually sings from a fairly prominent perch and hence is easier to see.

We think that everyone would enjoy springtime walks more if they could identify some of the birds they can hear, but can’t see. To help you identify some of these birds by their song, RIMAG is organising an informal guided walk on 8 May. Please contact us for more details if you would like to join in.

The warmer weather increases the chance of seeing butterflies. These are species that over-winter as adults and emerge in spring to breed, after which they die. Their offspring then appear in late July and August and some of them will then over-winter for the following year. The most common species you are likely to see are the Peacock, with its large purple ‘eyes’ on it wings and the ragged winged Comma.


Phil Rees

(Posted from an island in the clyde pictures will be uploaded when I return)

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