All posts by Paul

Risley Moss Tower Replacement; a straw poll.

The Tower, as it once stood in all it’s glory.

We at RIMAG where wondering what would be the best structure to replace the Tower  at the reserve.  But then we thought what do the local people want to see and what would best serve their needs.  So we would like your input. Do you have a drawing or suggestion as to what could replace the tower to best utilse and enhance the view?

Any Ideas can be e-mailed to us at

Thanks you any input will be greatly received and put forward to the council as to what the public would like to see.

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Risley moss Action Group and the Tower Fund


Risley moss Action Group and the Tower Fund

Risley Moss Action Group are liaising with Warrington Borough Council and their Rangers in order to raise money for the refurbishment of the iconic fire damaged observation tower.  If any one wishes to donate to this fund cheques made payable to Risley Moss Action Group can be handed into the rangers at the moss or deposited in the donations box in the visitor centre at the moss.  Any donations will be administered solely by Risley Moss Action Group and passed on to the council as and when the plans for the Tower come to fruition.  As RIMAG is a registered charity (No: 1041935) and if you are a current tax payer then we can claim monies from the Government under the flag of Gift Aid, to supplement your donation by 25%.  Please download (Gift Aid Declaration) and return the signed form with your donations.

We are also working on setting up a donations page on our website through the medium of PayPal when this is established we will post more information.

If anyone has any idea as to what they would like to replace the tower then the Rangers, RIMAG and the Council are open to any suggestions.  We are currently working in the framework to produce something that would be iconic but it would have to conform to full disability access as well as being iconic to fit in with current building regulations.  If you have any ideas then e-mail us on


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Birds’ n’ Bees George Pilkington

Sunday 23rd July 11 – 12:30

Birds’ n’ Bees by George Pilkington

The fifth in a series of fascinating talks by naturalist George Pilkington, this time about the courtship and nesting habits of both garden birds and bees. Learn how some bees are actually ousting birds from their completed nests!

Cost – £3 per person – includes light refreshments

George is kindly donating any money generated to the Risley Moss Green Safari Fund

Places are limited so please book in advance on 01925 824339 or email the rangers on:

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George Pilkington Talks

George Pilkington; What’s Killing our Bees? 

Red Mason Bees (Osima bicomis)


Sunday 18th June                                 11:00pm to 12:30pm

This is the Forth in a series of talks by naturalist George Pilkington.

Find out how you can attract wildlife to your garden

Cost – £3 per person – Includes light refreshments

George is kindly donating any money generated

to the Risley Moss Green Safari Fund

Places limited – please book in advance on 01925 824339

or email the rangers at


Meet: Risley Moss Visitor Centre


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RIMAG and the living willow tunnel at Birchwood Mall

RIMAG with Gary Jones from Birchwood Mall after putting the finishing touches to the living willow tunnel.

This morning we put the finishing touches to the living willow tunnel at Birchwood Shopping Mall.  This is just the first phase of the development for this plot of land so watch out at the Mall for the future installments.

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Support for RIMAG from Birchwood Shopping Mall

Dr Paul Speake thanking Gary Jones (Manager of Birchwood Shopping Mall) for their support of the work of RIMAG (see our news page for more).

Nature is a visual form of beauty and often overlooked and taken for granted. Birchwood Shopping Centre is proudly supporting and raising funds for Risely Moss Nature Reserve, in the hope to make a difference and supporting the environment.

 The Centre has supported numerous causes over recent years and for 2017 Birchwood have decided to support the local Nature Reserve. Risley Moss Nature Reserve was created following the last Ice Age and is locally referred to as the ‘mossland’. It is a designated Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) because of its rare habitat and plants. The main feature of the Nature Reserve is its huge, beautiful mossland and stunning views from the raised Observation Tower, which has additional interesting facts relating to the bird species and landscape layouts.

The Risley Moss Action Group charity was formed back in 1990 in response to local concerns about Cheshire County Council’s proposal to close the Nature Reserve. The vigorous campaign to stop the closure included various press coverage and public meetings with dedicated local residents, organisations and enlightened politicians, addressed by Professor David Bellamy at Birchwood High School, which resulted in the closure being averted. The reserve is managed by Natural England, Warrington Borough Council and its site rangers, who nurture and taken exceptional care of the valuable asset.

Funds will be raised through the Shopping Centre’s Honesty Library as well as various events and competitions. Money raised will help support conservation work and aiding the site’s Rangers in; carrying out public events, practical maintenance tasks and wildlife surveys. Donations will also provide birdfeed for the 20 different species of birds seen from the woodland hide, during the cold winter months, and help to support community targeted events and equipment.

Birchwood’s Centre Manager, Gary Jones, commented “The team at Birchwood Shopping Centre are extremely proud to be working in conjunction with Risley Moss Action Group and hope to raise huge amounts of awareness and funds by hosting various fun events, competitions.”

Dr Paul Speake, Chairman of Risley Moss Nature Reserve commented “We believe that Risley Moss is a wonderful site where you can relax and enjoy in a place nearby, but seems far away from the pressures of day-to-day life and experience its beautiful rare habitats and wildlife. The Action Group are extremely grateful to Birchwood Shopping Centre for providing us with extra support and the chance to raise funds to promote public awareness of Risley Moss.”

For more information about the Nature reserve and opening times see the Warrington Borough Council Webpage for the moss at  For more information about workdays and events to support the rangers, find us on our webpage at or for more up-to-date events and news like us on Facebook at Risley Moss Action Group.

To keep up-to-date on Birchwood Shopping Centre’s news and events, ‘Like’ us on Facebook: BirchwoodShoppingCentre, or follow us on Twitter: @BirchwoodSC

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George Pilkington Talks

Solitary Bees

Saturday 1st April

Risley Moss Local Nature Reserve

11.00am – 12.30pm

A second talk by expert George Pilkington, this time about Solitary Bees, focusing on the ecology of Red Mason Bees and special nest boxes built to attract and assist them

Cost – £3 per person – Includes light refreshments

Places are limited so please book in advance on 01925 824339 or email the rangers on


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Garden Bumble Bees George Pilkington 11/03/17 11am

Garden Bumble Bees

Saturday 11th March

Risley Moss Local Nature Reserve

11.00am – 12.30pm

A talk by local expert George Pilkington on the ecology of bumble bees, their pests and his own innovative bumble bee nest boxes

Cost – £3 per person – Includes light refreshments

George is kindly donating any money generated to the Risley Moss Green Safari Fund

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Risley Moss Fungal Foray 09/10/16



Sunday 9th October 2016

Tom Ferguson


Basket of fungi collected on foray Sunday 9th October 2016
Basket of fungi collected on foray Sunday 9th October 2016



The foray took place at Risley Moss near Warrington which is an SSSI managed by the ranger service of Warrington Borough Council with voluntary support from the local community Action Group. The main part of the site is the former Lancashire mossland which is being restored to its former glory. However the foray took place within the predominantly Birch woodland which surrounds the moss

Fifteen people attended the foray including the Chair of the Action Group and two young enthusiasts who were invaluable in searching out fungi from the more impenetrable parts.

Fungi were a bit few and far between but thirty five species were identified. These were used to describe aspects of fungi such as their form, what to look for when identifying them, where they grow, mycorrhiza, the importance of mycorrhiza and their role in the ecological cycle.

The highlights included the Earthstars and Stinkhorn eggs and the BMS Pocket Guide was helpful in revealing what it looked like when mature. These along with the Saddles, Jelly Ear, Stagshorn, Woodwarts  and various brackets helped to demonstrate the great variety of shapes and sizes.

The most dramatic of the gilled fungi were Sulphur Tuft and Glistening Ink-cap which were seen in prufusion bursting out of several decaying tree stumps.

RISLEY MOSS Species list

October 9th 2016

Agaricus (sylvaticus)                                                   Wood mushroom

Annulohypoxylon multiforme                                Birch Woodwart

Auricularia auricula-judaea                                      Jelly Ear

Boletus badius                                                                  Bay Bolete

Chlorociboria aeruginascens                                   Green Elf Cup

Clitocybe (fragrans)                                                        Fragrant Funnel

Clitocybe (metachroa)

Coprinellus micaceus                                                   Glistening Inkcap

Coprinopsis  atramentarius                                      Common Inkcap

Daedalea quercina                                                          Oak Mazegill

Entoloma sp                                                                        Pinkgill

Ganoderma australe                                                      Southern Bracket

Helvella crispa                                                                   Common Saddle

Hypholoma fasciculare                                                  Sulphur Tuft

Inocybe geophylla                                                            White Fibrecap

Laccaria laccata                                                                  The Deceiver

Lacrymaria lacrymabunda                                          Weeping Widows

Lactarius tabidus                                                              Birch Milkcap

Lepiota cristata                                                                 Stinking Dapperling

Lepista flaccida                                                                  Tawny Funnel

Lycoperdon perlatum                                                    Common Puffball

Lyophyllum decastes                                                      Clustered Domecap

Mycena galericulata                                                        Common Bonnet

Mycena vitilis                                                                     Snapping Bonnet

Paxillus involutus                                                             Brown Roll-rim

Phallus impudicus                                                            Stinkhorn

Pholiota squarrosa                                                          Shaggy  Scalycap

Piptoporus betulinus                                                      Birch polypore,                                                                                                                      Razorstrop Fungus

Psathyrella multipedata                                              Clustered Brittlestem

Russula ochroleuca                                                         Ochre Brittlegill

Scleroderma citrinum                                                     Common Earthball

Scleroderma verrucosum                                             Scaly Earthball

Trametes versicolor                                                        Turkeytail

Xylaria hypoxylon                                                            Candle nuff/Stagshorn

Tom Ferguson

10 October 2016

Brackets are most likely but not absolutely certain identifications

Many thanks for Tom for this report on the species seen at risley moss on Sunday and I hope all who attended had a good time and came away with more appreciation of the Fungi around us.

Paul Speake

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