1982 – 2012 currently
The following reports are indicative of the considerable interest and research into the wildlife of Risley Moss with some of the early surveys and reports going on to form baseline data for the development and management of the reserve.
This is especially true of the early ornithological surveys which went on to form an integral part of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) designation which Risley Moss obtained in 1986.
Reports were written and/or compiled by various individuals over the years. Some reports were the result of specific studies whilst others included records from regular birdwatchers and information extracted from the Wildlife Diaries kept in the Visitor Centre.
For the purpose of continuity and readability a number of reports were converted, amended and reproduced into a more coherent layout. These changes have been minimised to ensure the reports remain as close as possible to the original format – including the errors!
Readers will also notice variations in the name of some species and in particular their Latin designations which for a number of species has changed over the intervening years.
Earlier reports were mostly printed in house by the respective councils in charge of Risley Moss at the time – Warrington Borough, Cheshire County Council, Warrington Borough Council. Since the 1990s most reports were printed and collated at Risley Moss often with RIMAG supplying the paper and design. Once printed, reports were circulated to interested parties and organisations as well as contributing personnel with multiple copies left with the Ranger Service for their reference purposes and distribution and on-site library.
In the early years most of the records were sent to both Leigh Ornithological Society and/or Cheshire Ornithological Association (now CAWOS) as these were the only data collating organisations at the time but more recently to the Cheshire Biological Database (RECORD).
It is envisaged that further reports covering a range of Risley Moss wildlife will become available in time.
Rob Smith
January 2019